Giantex Sale: Save 5% on all products - Code: newyear

Refund Policy

Order Cancellation before Shipment
If you need to cancel your order, please do so within 24 hours to receive a refund.

Contact us at to cancel your order immediately. Please provide us with your order details, including the order number and the receiver's name or email address. Your refund will be processed, and a credit will be applied to the original payment method within 3-7 business days.

If any shipment is not fulfilled or shipped out after label creation, orders that exceed 10 business days can choose between order cancellations or refunds.

Order Cancellation after Shipment
If you need to cancel your order after 24 hours of placing it but before the item is shipped, you will receive a refund minus a recall fee of $25 AUD. After we have received the returned item, a refund minus the recall fee will be credited back to your original payment account within 3-7 business days.

Returned Item

We recognize that sometimes an item may not meet your needs or simply does not fit with your décor. In the event that you are not satisfied with your purchase, simply return it within 30 days from the date of purchase. Please keep in mind that all returns must be unused, unwashed, and undamaged and all packaging, labels, and tags must remain intact and be attached with the item. Otherwise, the item may not be eligible for return.

To initiate a return for an exchange or refund, please contact

If you want to return it by yourself, please email us at along with the return tracking number(s).

Please send all returns to:

Giantex Return Center
30 Distribution Drive

We do not refund or return original shipping charges. You are responsible for paying for your own shipping costs for returning any item to Giantex. In the event that you are unable to ship the item out, we will process a return shipping label. Once we’ve received the returned item, we will then process your total refund, excluding return shipping costs, to your original method of payment. Please note that all refunds are processed within 3-7 business days.

Defective Item
If you believe you have received a defective or faulty product, please contact us within 3 business days and provide the outer package's and product's defective pictures to confirm,  at before returning the item. We are committed to resolving the issue as quickly as possible and will assist with troubleshooting, repairing, or replacing the item. Please do not attempt to fix or modify the item yourself, as this may void any applicable warranty or return policy.

Received the Wrong Item
While we follow careful order-picking procedures to ensure accuracy, there may be instances where you receive the wrong item. If this happens, you can choose to keep the incorrect item with a partial refund or request the correct item. If you decide to request the correct item, we may offer you a free return shipping label. Please get in touch with us at and provide your order details, and we will assist you with the next steps. Upon receiving the returned item, we will send you the correct item or issue a refund, as requested.

Item Damaged During Transit
If you receive an item damaged during shipping, please reject the delivery immediately and contact us at We will work with the shipping company to expedite a replacement order. Alternatively, you can request a refund after we've submitted a damage claim with the shipping company and received confirmation. Please provide us with images and videos of the damaged product and package box, as we may need them for the claim process.

Missing or Lost Item
If you suspect your package is missing or lost, please get in touch with our customer service team at with your order number and tracking number. We will initiate a lost package claim to help recover your missing or lost package. Please note that the process may take up to 7 days to receive a formal confirmation from the shipping company.